Contactless eCharging with Multi-Application Support
Delivering a customer-friendly eCharging experience
Thanks to LEGIC’s Security Platform, Hardy Barth’s eCharging stations provide total security while supporting multiple complementary customer loyalty services to make the eCharging experience even more attractive.
eCharge Hardy Barth and LEGIC: Turning eCharging stations into secure hubs for customer loyalty
In response to the EU’s strategy to phase out fossil-fueled cars, the electric car market in Europe is forecast for strong growth, from 2.9 million vehicles in 2023 to over 5.5 million vehicles in 2027, a CAGR of almost 18% (source: Statista). To service this expanding market, eCharging stations for both home and businesses will experience even faster growth, reaching 56 billion dollars by 2029, an impressive CAGR of over 30% during 2022-29 (source: Businesswire).
To facilitate this market, eCharging stations should not only support customer authentication, secure ePayment and bi-directional communication with the service provider’s cloud, they must also support complementary customer-loyalty services such as discounts on eParking, mobility services, public transport, car wash, food and drink, etc. via the same smartcard or mobile app. In many business cases, eCharging stations are an add-on service to existing business models that already support contactless payment such as car parks, grocery, retail and mobility rental services.
To support this growing ecosystem around eCharging stations, eCharge Hardy Barth, a provider of eMobility solutions based in Germany, has partnered with LEGIC to create eCharging stations that support secure user authentication, ePayment, monitoring as well as multi-application capability that easily integrates customer loyalty services on the same smartcard or Android/iOS mobile app.

Secure and versatile thanks to LEGIC
Based on LEGIC’s Security Platform, Hardy Barth’s eCharging stations provide total security via end-to-end managed encryption, real-time user authentication, secure ePayment (open or closed loop), monitoring of station status as well as supporting multiple complementary applications that make eCharging services even more attractive. The platform supports both smartcards (managed via LEGIC’s Master-Token System-Control, or MTSC) and mobile app via the trusted service LEGIC Connect. Customer interaction is contactless – all interaction is done via RFID, NFC or Bluetooth between mobile app or smartcard and a LEGIC SM-6310 Security Module embedded in each station.
Security benefits:
- Absolute security for customers based on the most secure encryption available (AES) and Secure Element for storage of encryption keys and other sensitive data
- Security ownership for mobile app integration and in-field station commissioning thanks to LEGIC Orbit’s Versatile Configuration Packages (VCPs)
- VDE compliancy-in preparation
- Realtime authentication of customers and maintenance staff both online and offline
- Optional two-factor as well as biometric authentication supported via mobile app
- Total security ownership during initialization and smartcard population management thanks to LEGIC’s unique Master-Token System-Control (MTSC): no dependence on external parties required
- Secure management and monitoring of stations via the cloud based on encrypted wired or wireless communications
Flexibility and convenience:
- Supports smartcard as well as mobile app (Android/iOS)
- Supports up to four simultaneous and individual eCharging sessions
- Remote monitoring of eCharging status via smartphone
- Easy integration of multiple simultaneous customer-loyalty services to create an attractive service ecosystem around each eCharging station
- Open and closed loop ePayment options supported
- Convenient, contactless operation both online and offline
For more information, download the case study: Charging Station with the Service of a Gas Station
Our Partner
About Hardy Barth GmbH
Mr. Hardy Barth had always been interested in renewable energy and turned this interest into a profession. He founded a one-man business in 1997 while earning his master’s degree. Three years later, he transformed the company into a full-time business called "EDV- und Elektrotechnik Hardy Barth". In 2008 the company was renamed “EDV- und Elektrotechnik Hardy Barth GmbH”, a company that focuses on the sale and installation of photovoltaic systems.
He also founded two other companies, “ePlanung Hardy Barth” in 2007 which planned projects for well-known companies such as fast-food chains. Five years later, Hardy Barth founded his third company, “eCharge Hardy Barth GmbH”. In this company the production of charging stations for electric vehicles takes place. Through in-house development, communications with photovoltaic systems and load management technology could be established.
Constant diligence and innovation were honored with awards such as the "Bundespreis 2017", "Umweltpaket Bayern", "Top Brand Award 2021 and 2022" and "SolarProsumerAward 2022/23".
Hardy Barth's charging stations are now in operation at well-known locations, including the arena and a training center of a well-known soccer club in Germany as well as numerous car dealerships. Both wall boxes and charging stations can be purchased through electronic wholesalers.
In total, Hardy Barth employs about 80 people at three companies which have their headquarters in Schwend, Birgland, Germany. For more information about “eCharge Hardy Barth” and its charging solutions, please visit: