Int'l Security Journal Nov 2022: Security by Design - How to Establish Trust in the IIoT

Security by Design

In industrial environments, mass deployment of sensors and the ability to securely collect and process data from fixed and mobile assets significantly increases efficiency and enables better business decisions. It makes it easier to streamline processes, reduce errors, support auditing and enforce quality control.

The common denominator: Trust
Simply connecting sensors to the internet is not enough. The viability of processes improved by the “Industrial Internet of Things” depends on a common denominator: Trust. Without the ability to trust data, sensors and the people who access them, IIoT deployments lose their effectiveness. If users, sensors and their interactions cannot be trusted, the results can be costly and even catastrophic, especially where volatile assets and human safety are involved, which is often the case.

Learn about the Three Pillars of Trust in the IIoT based on LEGIC's end-to-end mobile credentialing platform in the November issue of International Security Journal.

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